Friday, August 27, 2010

Playful spirit update 8-27-10

It has been a while since I have written about my ghost, but last night i had to laugh. I was getting ready for bed, as I always do by turning on a movie, and then put on the fan. I put the sheet over my head, and then closed my eyes. The fan turned off, and the sheet on me flew off, I then felt a cold sensation on my belly as if someone was tickling me.
"Okay Jacob, that was a good one, but I really do need to get to sleep."  I said.
The fan turned on, and I put the sheet back over me again, I did not hear anything else last night.

I really get a kick out of Jacob, for a ghost, he is more alive then sometimes I am ...

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Playful spirit update Aug 14

Jacob is back again...

I was not sure if my ghost was going to be back or not, but he did indeed return. I was playing on the computer, and my wife was next to me watching television. We both heard a noise coming from the kitchen, and both looked to see a small shadow move from the kitchen into the small alcove leading to the bathroom. I got up and took my cellphone which has a digital voice recorder on it, I then asked if this was Jacob, and he said yes and giggled.

Well, its going to be interesting having Jacob back for a while, and I'll keep you posted on anything happening...

I am making a video with the conversations I have had with Jacob, along with some pictures.

Till then Peace and love....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

usefull Links

I just wanted to share with you some links to my other websites.

Have a great day...

Upset spirit

Hi all...

Well, Jacob my ghost child was a bit upset last night. It was about 2am, I was working on editing a story for my website, and also editing a manuscript for a book that I hope to get finished writing soon thank you very much. My computer is sitting in the dining room which at this point I use as my office.

In the kitchen, we have our washer and dryer and on the dryer, there was a load of lundry that was clean and ready to be put away. I was planing on putting it way this morning which I still have yet to do. As I sat here in the chair, I heard some noises in the kitchen, sounds of banging pots and pans in the drain rack, and feet scuffling. A couple of shirts lifted straight up into the air, and flew right into the hallway a good 10 feet away from the dryer.

I went in, and took my digital recorder with me. As soon as I got in the kitchen, I started to ask if it was Jacob, and what was the matter. I got a clear response which said, "I want to go home." I asked why he was stuck, but did not get any response. I went back to the computer after saying that I was sorry that I could not help him.

A few minutes later, I heard a giggle, and then a cool breeze came around me. It was very warm in the apartment even with the fan going, but this was a really nice coolness to it, and then in my ear I heard, "See you later." and the everything went quiet.

I am not sure if that meant that he was gone for good, (hope not. I actually like the lil spirit.) or that he found a way to go home for a while, and then will be back.

I'll keep you all informed....

Playfull spirit update for Aug 7 2010

Hi all...

Last night I was working on editing my book, (which incidently, in process of being published as soon as I get this editing finished thank you very much.) it was about 2 am when I heard some noises coming from the kitchen. From my vantage point in the office / dinning room, I could see straight in the kitchen and could see clearly a pile of clothing on the dryer. Now, I know what your thinking, why would I have a pile on the dryer and not put it away? It is simply because I am a bit lazy at times LOL. (ANYWAY...)

I saw a couple shirts lift off of the pile, and hurled into the hallway. This was not as you may be thinking of clothes just falling off the pile, they were litterally lifted up into the air hovered a moment, and then they were thrown.

I got up, went into the kitchen, and picked up the clothes. I asked Jacob if he was just playing, or if he was upset. Clear as day, I heard "I'm upset." So I took out my cellphone, it has a camera on it, and a digital recorder, and I started to take pictures. And, then asked him why he was upset. The digital recorder picked up, "I want to go home." I asked why he felt he was stuck here, when most times, he can leave and go where ever he wants. but there was no response to my question.

Going back to the office area, I began to write and I then heard a giggle, and clearly in my ear I heard, "see you later." Everything went quiet, and in a strange way, I have a feeling he may have found away to go home. I am not sure if that meant that he won't be back, or if it means that he will be back if he can.

I'll write more about Jacob soon as I have more activity. Till then, take care, and check out my other sites.



Wednesday, August 4, 2010

new stuff

Some sad news, My nephew who is 22, was injured in Iraq. He was in a building when it was hit. I am not sure if anyone was killed in this attack, but my nephew, sufferes now with 40% hearling loss, Grand mall (sp) seizers, and is paralized on his left side of his body. I am very shaken by this news, and prey for his speedy healing.
If there was anyone killed in this attack, my heart goes out to the families.

Good news: I am going to be starting up work soon at the college, and be doing omelets. Oh Happy Joy Joy... LOL

Love to all, all my love....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy birthday to me.... Whooo hooo!

I am now offically 47 OH Yeah!@##$#$ LOL..

It was funny, I was working today, asked a co-worker the date, and she said the 29th, it just went by me and then I stood there, godsmacked - "It's my birthday!" I said. Holy mother, I couln't believe that I just treated today as a regular day.

This is a sign of aging I think, when you birthday just becomes another day in paradise. LOL

more to come....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Playful ghosts udate 7/28/10

Hello all, I have been doing great so far, but have not had a chance to be writing in this blog for a while. I started this thing in hopes to share my recipes and such, but been so busy with life that I just had not had a chance to get here to even update things.

Now I got to start adding some things that have been happening.

Lately, I have been having almost a daily run in with a playful spirit. He is a ghost child at about 12 years old.

I met Jacob at our house one day while I was cleaning up, dusting and all that fun stuff; and I happened to look at the television and it was very dusty. I was about to clean it off when I noticed that there was a few finger marks, lines and different wavey things on the screen. I asked my wife (which by the way, she is also very open minded about the paranormal.) if she had been making marks on the screen, because sometimes she has to lean against the tv when she is either cleaning or dusting to reach a picture on the wall. She said that she had not been near the tv.

I then cleaned off the tv screen and didn't really think anything about it for a while. It was then about a week later that I saw that the tv needed another good dusting. ( I know that your probably thinking that our house must be really full of dust and dirt. It isnt that bad, it is dusty cause we have the doors always open to let in fresh air.) So I grabbed the dusting rag and was ready to clean when I saw that the marks where there, and some new ones were actually showing up as I stood there.

Now up to this point, there were many times that I have experienced paranormal activity at that house, Some polterguist activity and disembodied voices. So I knew there had to be a ghost there playing tricks on me. So I set out to find out more about this playful spirit.
Taking a digital recorder, I started to ask for a name, and different questions. (when did you die, how old were you.) I listened back at the answers, and got some very clear answeres.

His name is Jacob, and he was 12 years old at the time that he had died. He comes to visit his favorite places here in town, though he is not grounded here. He died in New York city in about 1920's, of TB.
So here is some of the things that Jacob had done.

1. I would be laying in my bed, and he would bounce the bed.

2. He would play with some of our stuffed animals we have collected over the last 13 years of marriage.
3. I was taking a shower, and he stuck his face against the shower curtain.

Now here is the latest...

Update 7/28/10
This is just and update to the story that I have shared with you about a ghost child that lives here in my home. His name is Jacob, and he is or was twelve years old.The other night, I was taking a shower as I always do at night one hour before bed, I had just climbed in, and was getting ready to wash my hair. My wife was in the living-room watching TV, I could hear her laughing. I placed some shampoo into my hair, and was working up a lather when I heard linin closet door open. It has a very strange squeek to it. Soap was starting to go down toward my eyes, but I needed to see if it was my wife getting something out of the closet. I opened the curtain, and looked out. My wife was not there, but the door was still opening. A towl litterally jumped out of the closet, and into the bathroom.I then saw the closet door close. I knew it had to be Jacob, so I just said thank you, and that I did indeed forgot to get a towel out to dry. There was a giggle, and then the door to the bedroom opened up. The way the bathroom is set in the house, it is very small, and the linin closet is like 10 feet from the bathroom door. The bedroom door is a swinging door going to the bathroom, and course there is a bathroom door, but we never close it cause it is an old handle on the door, and it sticks sometimes and we cant open it up.

Jacob is such a playful thing, and I really love this kid. My wife have spiritually adopted him because she can not bare children, and we can not even afford to adopt or foster a child, so he is now our foster child.

I'll keep adding more to this site as much as I can.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I need to say sorry to anyone and everyone whom has visited my blog. It has been a while since I have posted anything, mostly because I have been spending most of my free time working on writing my vampire novel.

I shall be adding a recipe soon after this post....

Thanks again.