Friday, May 30, 2014

Costco Hand Dryer

The future is here people, we don't have to wait.
Introducing the Dyson Airblad hand dryer.


The first time I saw this was at Costco. Course I was so clueless on how to work the weird SYFY thing from the Starship Enterprise. But as I looked at the instructions it came clear that you stick your full hand into the slots and it begins to blow a thin stream of air over my Arm.
As i drew it up my hands, the air continued to blast away the water, and my air was completely dry within literal seconds.
So weird feelings it has too because its not the usual blast of air out of the nozzle, but its like a thin sheet of air.

Hope this becomes more standard in bathrooms.  

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Grumpy Gourmet: Episode 1 - Pies and Thighs


Please please sub to this guys channel. The videos are funny...

Feltbeats-Time isn't healing


I love how Tom is so talented. All the cast of Harry Potter really have hidden talent that really needs to get out there more. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

We need this

Scrolling through Twitter today as I always do when I have really nothing else to do, I found this and was thinking, "DAMN!"

Hell yeah!


As most of you already know, I was told that I would need a Pacemaker device installed because my heart was not function normally. 

Well Last Wednesday 5.14.14 I went to Missoula MT for the operation. Everything went well.
During the operation, they did not totally knock me out as I thought that they would, but they gave me something to calm my nerves and to keep me in that state of "Twilight" where you're awake, and yet you are detached from reality. 

I could feel the needle going in to deaden the pain, but also the tugs and pulls as they cut into the skin with the laser.

It was unnerving to hear the doctor say, "wheres that blood coming from?" followed by, "Oh there, never mind." Followed by the sound of the suction.
However, when all was said and done, it went very well.

I am on a monitor at home and it checks at about 2am to see if the device is functioning and it gets updates. That is a bit unsettling as well.

Here is a picture of the device they put in for those that have never seen a Pacemaker.


 Its amazing to me that this small device is now responsible to making sure my Heart is beating correctly and fuctioning normally. When at first I heard Pacemaker, I am thinking that it was some box that sits outside the body, and that wires were put in the chest and all this nonsense fears. I also pictured that they were going to open up my entire chest to do the implants of the wires and stuff.  I couldn't have been more wrong in my fears.

So if anything, do research, find out more about what the doctor is talking about and talk to your doctor about the questions you have, the fears you have no matter how silly or far-fetched they may seem.

I am doing well, and yesterday had a 10 day check up, everything is perfect.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

My Recording7


My cover of Elvis's "Teddy Bear"

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Good Night Ad (Very Funny)

OMG get slap happy with this one LOL....